Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire

Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire is a project launched in 2018, with only a few churches included at the moment.

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Henry Woodyer

Henry Woodyer (1816-1896) was an English architect, a pupil of William Butterfield and a disciple of A.W.N. Pugin and the Ecclesiologists. Woodyer was born in Guildford, Surrey, England, in 1816, the son of a successful, highly respected surgeon, who owned Allen House in the Upper High Street. His mother came from the wealthy Halsey family who owned Henley Park, just outside Guildford. Woodyer was educated first at Eton College, then at Merton College, Oxford. As a result, he could claim to be one of the best educated architects since Sir Christopher Wren. Whilst at Oxford, he became involved in the Anglican high church movement and throughout his career he saw his work as an architect as a means of serving the church.

 One Church with features by Henry Woodyer - Designer

Church Thumbnail
(Click Image to Enlarge)
St Mary & All Saints Beaconsfield, Old 1886: Monument - Rev Samuel Bowles. He died in 1885. Designer was Henry Woodyer.
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Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire

All photographs by Michael G Hardy unless stated otherwise

©2017-2025 Michael G Hardy