Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire

Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire is a project launched in 2018, with only a few churches included at the moment.

This page was last updated on 22 Feb 2021

Notes on using this Website

Navigation around the Website (via Tabs at top of every page)

Information can be found via Index Pages, all accessed from the tabs at the top of every page.

The CHURCH INDEX only includes Churches for which we have an individual page.

The Indexes under the CRAFTSMEN tab list Architects, Artists, Designers, Makers, and Sculptors. Not all churches are yet included in these indexes.

The Indexes under the DEDICATEES tab list the names of some of the people dedicated on Brasses, Hatchments and Monuments. Not all churches are yet included in these indexes.

The Subjects under the FEATURES tab lists some particular types of Notable Features of churches. Not all churches are yet included in these lists.

Information for each Church (not all items are included for every church)

The information at the top of each CHURCH PAGE is shared with our "Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches" website. The diferent categories of information are listed here:

IMPORTANT CHURCH NOTE - Any details about the current status of the church.

DENOMINATION - Type of Church and its administrative area (Deanery for Church of England).

LOCAL AUTHORITY TO 2020 : District Council for parishes within Bucks County Council area from 1974 to March 2020.

LOCAL AUTHORITY UA : Unitary Authority (and Community Area for Buckinghamshire Council parishes).

- - The above Local Authority information is to give a rough guide to the location of a parish.

ADDRESS OF CHURCH : Geographical Address (not postal address) see "Address of Church" below.

NEAREST POST CODE : Post code nearest to the entrance of the church.

O/S MAP REFERENCE / NGR : 10 digit Grid Reference.

LATITUDE & LONGITUDE : Lat & Long, and accurate Link to Google Map.

CHURCH WEB SITE : Link to church's own web site (or village website with church info).

C of E ACNY WEBSITE : Link to official "Church of England - A Church Near You" website.

OTHER WEB SITE LINKS : Links to any web sites with particular information about that church.

STAINED GLASS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CHURCHES WEBSITE : Link to our Stained Glass page(s) for the church.

NOTES ON STAINED GLASS : A summary regarding some of the Stained Glass of the church.

INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH : General introduction to the History and Architecture of the church.

NOTABLE FEATURES : A list of chosen particular features of that church, listed by date. Some churches will have a link below the list of Notable Features to a page with small images of some of the Notable Features. The images are clickable to enlarge them. The number of Notable Features included for each church is shown under "Notable Features" listed on the "Church Index" page.

CHURCH PLAN : Plan of church showing basic layout. There will only be a plan for some churches, but more are available on our Stained Glass website.
The church plan will also show details of the orientation of the church (or direction faced) - see "Orientation" below.

A FEW IMAGES : Some churches will have a few images of the church to illustrate its basic characteristics, on the exterior and interior.


AN ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE : Some churches will have a greater number of photos and text aiming to present more details of a church, in words and pictures, which may run to further pages, which will all be linked together.

An indication of how much information is included on each church is given by the number of "Images Included" listed on the "Church Index" page.

However, please be aware that we cannot aim to provide complete histories of any particular churches.

DETAILED NOTES - accessed from links above:

Address of Church

In towns and large villages, this will show the address within the town or large village. However, with many smaller villages, postal addresses can be confusing, as they often refer to towns well outside Buckinghamshire. So we have included distances to the nearest town or large village within Buckinghamshire.

Orientation of Churches, or Direction faced

Most churches lie on a West-East axis, with the Chancel (and conventional place for the Altar) being at the East end. So looking down the Nave from the West end, usually the North side is on the left, and the South side is on the right.

Occasionally churches, and often chapels, are built in a different orientation, usually because of the shape of a site, or so that the entrance faces the road.

In such cases, this web site treats the Chancel as the "Liturgical East end" so the end wall of the Chancel will be known as the East.

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Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire

All photographs by Michael G Hardy unless stated otherwise

©2017-2025 Michael G Hardy