Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
Important Church Note: | In care of Churches Conservation Trust |
Denomination: | Was a CoE Church, declared redundant in 1973 |
Local Authority to 2020: | Aylesbury Vale District Council |
Local Authority UA: | Bucks UA (Wing & Ivinghoe) |
Address of Church: | Church Road, Pitstone (1 mile S of Ivinghoe) |
Nearest Post Code: | LU7 9HA |
O/S Map Reference/NGR: | SP 94229 14936 |
Latitude & Longitude: | 51.82511, -0.63414 Google Map |
Church Web Site: |
Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window
Thumbnail | Code | Location | Type | Subject(s) | Date | Craftsmen |
700 | East | 3 lights | Mary, Christ in Majesty, John | 1893 | Cakebread Robey & Co. |
704 | Nave S (E) | 3 lights | Patterned leading with coloured glass (Flowers) | 1893 | ||
705 | Nave S (W) | 3 lights | Patterned leading with coloured glass (Animals) | 1893 |
Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson
©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy