Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

Church of the Good Shepherd, Widmer End

C of E - Wycombe Deanery
Local Authority to 2020:
Wycombe District Council
Local Authority UA:
Bucks UA (North West Chilterns)
Address of Church:
George's Hill, Widmer End (1 mile N of Hazlemere)
Nearest Post Code:
HP15 6BH
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SU 88816 96903
Latitude & Longitude:
51.66389, -0.71726  Google Map
Church Web Site:
CofE ACNY Web Site:

No Stained Glass in this Church


Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2025 Michael G Hardy