Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

Holy Trinity, Wolverton, Old (MK)

Important Church Note:
Church is in Old Wolverton
C of E - Milton Keynes Deanery
Local Authority UA:
Milton Keynes UA
Address of Church:
Old Wolverton Road, Old Wolverton, MK (3 miles NW of CMK)
Nearest Post Code:
MK12 5NH
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SP 80317 41297
Latitude & Longitude:
52.06423, -0.82980  Google Map
Church Web Site:
CofE ACNY Web Site:


Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window

Thumbnail Code   Location Type Subject(s) Date Craftsmen
Details 700 East Rose Crucifixion with Mary & John, Jesus & 10 disciples, Old Testament scenes, Christ The King of Glory, IHS symbols 1888 N H J Westlake
Lavers & Westlake
Details 701 S Transept S 1 light Resurrection 1870 ?
Details 702 Nave S (E) 1 light Supper at Emmaus 1870's Daniel Bell
Daniel Bell & Richard Almond
Details 703 Nave S (W) 1 light Pentecost 1870's Daniel Bell
Daniel Bell & Richard Almond
Details 704 Nave N (W) 1 light Nativity 1870's Daniel Bell
Daniel Bell & Richard Almond
Details 705 Nave N (E) 1 light Jesus in the Carpenter's shop 1876 Daniel Bell
Daniel Bell & Richard Almond
Details 706 N Transept 1 light Baptism of Christ 1876 Henry Holiday
James Powell & Sons

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy