Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

St Paul, Wooburn

C of E - Wycombe Deanery
Local Authority to 2020:
Wycombe District Council
Local Authority UA:
Bucks UA (South West Chilterns)
Address of Church:
Wooburn Town, off Town Lane, Wooburn (1 mile NE of Bourne End)
Nearest Post Code:
HP10 0PW
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SU 90958 87792
Latitude & Longitude:
51.58166, -0.68867  Google Map
Church Web Site:
CofE ACNY Web Site:


Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window

Thumbnail Code   Location Type Subject(s) Date Craftsmen
Details 700 East 3 lights 4 Disciples, Ascension, 4 Disciples 1881 Clayton & Bell
Details 701 Chancel S (E) 2 lights Suffer Little Children, Baptism of Christ 1869
Details 702 Chancel S (W) 2 lights Good Samaritan,:- 1 Bandaging man's head, 2 Paying Innkeeper 1869
Details 703 S aisle E 3 lights St Peter, Christ, the Good Shepherd, St Paul 1869
Details 704 S aisle S (E) 3 lights The Holy Family †1963 A E Buss
Goddard & Gibbs
Details 705 S aisle S (C) 3 lights Healing the sick 1961 Goddard & Gibbs
Details 707 S aisle W 2 lights Geometric pattern of pale green, yellows and blues 1858?
Details 708 West 3 lights 6 Acts of Mercy:-6 scenes from Matthew 26, 35 & 36 1869 Heaton Butler & Bayne
Details 709 N aisle N (W) 3 lights Geometric pattern of pale green, yellows and blues 1858?
Details 710 N wall N 3 lights War Memorial:- Burning Bush, Risen Christ, Jonah and Whale 1958 Abbs Cooper or F Wilde
Goddard & Gibbs
Details 711 N aisle N (E) 3 lights St Joan, St Michael weighing soul, St George 1919 Clayton & Bell
Details 714 Vestry E 3 lights Geometric pattern of pale green, yellows and blues, ~ Bertie Coat of arms 18th c.inserted. 1858? and 18th C.

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2025 Michael G Hardy