Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
Denomination: | C of E - Newport Deanery |
Local Authority UA: | Milton Keynes UA |
Address of Church: | North Street, Castlethorpe (3 miles N of Stony Stratford) |
Nearest Post Code: | MK19 7EW |
O/S Map Reference/NGR: | SP 79906 44505 |
Latitude & Longitude: | 52.09313, -0.83505 Google Map |
Church Web Site: | |
CofE ACNY Web Site: |
Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window
Thumbnail | Code | Location | Type | Subject(s) | Date | Craftsmen |
700 | East | 3 lights | Isaiah, The Light of the World, St John Baptist | †1899 | A L Moore |
702 | S aisle E | 2 lights | St Jude, St Simon | 1897 | J W Brown James Powell & Sons |
703 | S aisle S (E) | 3 lights | Robert Mauduit, The Church, St Simon & St Jude ~ Nobby the train, Builders, Ploughman | 1970 | Michael C Farrar Bell |
706 | N aisle | 3 lights | St Dorothy, Virgin & Child, St Agnes | 1903 and 1908 | Percy Bacon |
Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson
©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy