Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

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Makers Marks by Anthony Curtis

Anthony Curtis (1928) has painted and sculpted since 1948, alongside teaching in secondary art education. In 1982 he retired from teaching at Cressex School, High Wycombe, where, in 1964, he had founded and headed the Visual Arts Department. Since then he had pursued a career in painting, using oils, water colour and gouache and working in his purpose built studio since 2010. He studied at Loughborough and Bath Academy of Art, Corsham, where he worked under Peter Potworowski, William Scott, Kenneth Armitage, Peter Lanyon and Brian Wynter. He was also very friendly with Paul Feiler, and in later years with Stanley Spencer, Donald Hamilton Fraser and Terry Frost.

1 Window

Window Location Church Date Craftsmen
Link to image of this Window Nave E St Andrew in High Wycombe 1961 Anthony Curtis

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

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