Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

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Makers Marks by W J Pearce

Walter John Pearce (1857-1942) was born in Brighton. He became apprenticed to a cabinet maker, then a painter and decorator. By the 1890s he had set up business in Manchester. He had a workshop at 41 Gartside Street, and by the 1920s had moved his business to Wilmslow. In 1911 he described himself as an artist in stained and decoration, glass and mosaic.

2 Windows, listed in Church Order

Sort Windows by Date

Window Location Church Date Craftsmen
Link to image of this Window East Methodist in Weedon 1913 W J Pearce
Link to image of this Window N wall N Methodist in Weedon †1926 W J Pearce

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

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