Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

St John the Baptist (old), The Lee

Important Church Note:
Now used as a Meeting Room
C of E - Wendover Deanery
Local Authority to 2020:
Chiltern District Council
Local Authority UA:
Bucks UA (Chesham & Villages)
Address of Church:
The Lee (2 miles N of Great Missenden)
Nearest Post Code:
HP16 9LZ
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SP 89779 04383
Latitude & Longitude:
51.73098, -0.70141  Google Map

Notes on Church:
New Church used since 1869


Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window

Thumbnail Code   Location Type Subject(s) Date Craftsmen
Details 700 East 3 lights Cromwell, Hampden, Hobart (1902) ~ Crucifixion, St Mary & St John (13th c.) 13th c. & 1902 Mary Newill

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy