Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

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Window: 08, N Aisle W, Holy Trinity, Marlow

Important Church Note:
Church building now has a commercial use
Location in Church:
N Aisle W
3 lights
Size (width x height):
7' 4" x 14' 2" or 2.24m x 4.33m
Agony in the Garden, Soldiers mocking Jesus, Jesus carrying Cross, Risen Christ appears to two Mary's and Joanna, Jesus emerging from the tomb, Road to Emmaus.
Date Faculty Granted:
2 July 1923
Date Made:
Craftsman - Notes:
Curtis, Ward & Hughes
George Parlby (cartoonist)
Sources for Dates & Craftsmen:
Martin Harrison
Dedicated to:
Thomas Owen Wethered (born 26 November 1832, died 22nd February 1921, aged 89) More...
Donated by:
His widow.
Notes on Window:
There are six scenes in the window, all showing events from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. More...


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Window in Situ - Upper part from 1st Floor (Lower part is blocked off)
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Overall View of Glass - Image compiled from many different photos.
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Tracery: The Angels on each side hold shields bearing Alpha and Omega, representing "The Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:13).
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Tracery: The Crucifixion scene is surrounded by the quote "Himself bare our sicknesses" (Matthew 8:17).
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3 main lights: Each light has a central figure of Jesus, with a small scene below. At the top are angels responding to what is portrayed below them.
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3 main lights: The three figures of Jesus, portraying Agony in the Garden, Soldiers mocking Jesus, and Jesus carrying his cross.
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LH light, top: Beneath an arch of cherub heads, an Angel holds a cup whilst 2 others cover their eyes, because Jesus is in mental agony in the garden of Gethsemane below.
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LH light, middle: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, a scene traditionally described as 'The Agony in the Garden'.
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LH light, middle: Head of Jesus. Quote: "My Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me" (Matthew 26:39).
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LH light, base: The risen Christ appears to two Mary's and Joanna in the garden. Quote: "Be not afraid, go tell my brethren" (Matthew 28:10).
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Centre light, top: 2 angels hold an elaborately decorated gold crown, representing the soldiers hailing him King of the Jews, as shown on the Crucifix in the tracery above, where Pontius Pilate has nailed "INRI" at the top of the cross.
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Centre light, middle: The Soldiers mock Jesus. "And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand".
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Centre light, middle: Head of Jesus. Quote: "A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief". (Isaiah 53:3). On the window there is a mis-spelling: 'acqnainted'.
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Centre light, base: The Resurrection. Jesus emerging from the tomb, with 2 angels. Quote: "I am the Resurrection" (John 11:25).
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RH light, top: Angels again under an arch of cherub heads, hold a symbolic cross, but cover their eyes at the thought of the coming Crucifixion.
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RH light, middle: Jesus carries his cross, with his right hand raised in blessing.
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RH light, middle: Head of Jesus, with the Crown of Thorns very visible. Quote: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).
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RH light, base: Road to Emmaus. Jesus breaks bread with two disciples. Quote: "He took bread, and blessed it" (Luke 24:30).
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RH light, bottom RH corner: Inscription showing window was dedicated by his widow to Thomas Owen Wethered, who died in 1921.

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2025 Michael G Hardy